Prayer is about our relationship with God. At its heart prayer is how we grow in the Love of God. Through prayer we open our lives to discover God’s presence and invitation for us. Then as we accept this invitation and dwell in God’s presence prayer transforms us, shaping us into the image of Christ.
Prayer develops in our life as we begin by simply learning to pray and praying when the Spirit moves us. In time prayer becomes a part of our routine as we make daily devotions a discipline that guides our life. Slowly as we continue in prayer, prayer begins to fill our life until our life becomes a living prayer.
If you are looking for a place to begin, start by simply talking to God. Imagine Jesus as a friend beside you and simply begin talking and discussing your day, your hopes, your joys, give thanks and pray for others. You can also begin by reciting a prewritten prayer such as the Lords Prayer or even a grace before a meal.
This is the beginning of the life of prayer. When you sense the desire to go deeper, below are some resources to help guide you along the way.
Daily Devotions
Daily evotions are one of the most important practices for anyone who is wanting to deepen their faith life and their relationship with God. To help with this when I was at Advent we created a short brochure to guide people and groups in their devotions.
The Life of Faith
So what does a life of with look like? When I was the pastor at Advent we to create a guide to give people a vision of the practices that make give shape to a life of faith and disciple ship. Below is the guide that developed from that process.