Spiritual Practices

Practices of Transformation: Devotions


What practices lead to transformation? It is a good question. There is no single answer, but ​we need a place to begin. 

The place that I would recommend most to begin with is the daily practice of devotions. This may seem boring or old fashion, but there is really no practice that I know of that is more important then this for people who want to deepen their faith.

Devotions are times set apart for prayer, dwelling in God’s Word, resting in God’s presence and being called into God’s mission in the world. The benefit of devotions is how they call us to set aside time in our daily routine to be open to God’s guidance and to be fed by God’s love.

So how does one have devotions. There are many patterns. The most important first step is to set aside a dedicate time each day for devotions. A basic out line for devotions is:

  1. Begin by quieting you body and mind.
  2. Pray to be open to God's presence and Word​
  3. Read a passage of scripture or other spiritual writing​ one or more times.
  4. Listen for what God might be trying to say to you​. What is God's Word of Love for you? 
  5. Pray about what God may be saying to you and then simply rest in God's presence. ​
  6. Reflect on how you have experienced God's presence or silence in the last day​.
  7. Look ahead at the opportunities that God is placing before you to serve others​ and share Christ. 
  8. Pray for others. ​

Most importantly, for devotions to do their work, it takes commitment. Which means even when we miss a day week, we start again, and again, and with great compassion for ourselves, again.